
i have someone i'd like you to meet...

the name's pup. Sawyer pup. and we are just a little obsessed with his cute face (i cannot get over how adorable he is...Marley anyone?), fat paws, and his adorable personality. we have been wanting a yellow lab for quite some time (i've been wanting one my whole life), and since we now have a house with a massive yard and are getting a fence in less than a month, we decided it was time to add a little addition to our family. i scoured ksl for weeks looking at pup after pup, then one Sunday, i spotted him. we went to see him, i held him, and i just couldn't let go. he came home with us that night and he has been so much fun!

we've had this little guy for 2 weeks now! we got him when he was just 5 1/2 weeks old, and i won't even sugarcoat it...the first few days were absolute H. i have never had to potty-train a dog before (Brett always did it since he was home) but this time, it was all me. and not only was i trying to potty-train a puppy, i had a little baby to take care of as well.

i really thought we had made a mistake, getting a puppy while Dylan was so small, but Brett and i made a pact that when we bought this little guy, it was for good, and we would not get rid of him for any reason (unless Dylan was deathly allergic, which he doesn't seem to be). i never told Brett i felt this way, i knew that as soon as Sawyer was potty-trained it would be so fun having him around. but getting to that point (i thought) would take for-freaking ever.

but whatyaknow, after 3 days of a puppy peeing all over my carpet and wood floor and taking him out every 10 minutes and me doing absolutely nothing but being paranoid, having Sawyer turned from a nightmare to a dream. seriously. it is crazy how fast this little guy learned to get potty-trained. it's awesome!
and not only is he potty-trained, he is so obedient! we went to the park yesterday, no leash or collar in tow, and he stayed right next to us the entire time while we ate lunch, relaxed and walked around. a crew of bikers and joggers went by and he did not take one pawstep away from us. it's fabulous! i never knew a dog could listen so well! and only after having him for 2 weeks!

and not to mention, Dylan loves him. he likes petting him if he is laying down and calm, and they love to play with the same toys, but he won't really go near him if he's being wild because they are pretty much the same size, and Sawyer likes to play a little rough right now. i think once Dylan is walking they will be best buds, then Dylan won't be at eye-level with him.

we love this little guy. he is so easy-going, super mellow, loves playing with us outside, but likes having his own space too which is just the perfect mix for us. he is good to cuddle with us while watching a movie, but so good to be wild and crazy with Brett in the backyard.

we could not have chosen a better pup that was suited for us!
welcome to the family Sawyer pup :)

1 comment:

Brittany Moore said...

OMG Katie he is ADORABLE! Can't wait to squeeze him in person!