

so this 11 month shoot was supposed to turn out like all the others, to me anyway. Dylan had different plans. i sat there for a full half hour trying to get him to lay down, look up at me and smile.
this was the best shot i got...
out of 247 frames that's the best i could do.
so i tried a different approach and this is what happened...

then he saw an airplane...
 and then he was bored...

so yes, this shoot was a little different, but i think it was the best one yet. he is always so happy, especially when he is sitting up (as you can tell). 

and for those of you who are waiting for me to rant about how i cannot believe he is going to be ONE in less than a month...sorry to disappoint (not, i'm sure it's a break for you:). the truth is i can't really talk about it right now or my eyes will be so foggy i won't be able to see what i'm typing. so i am stuck in my little la-la land of having a baby under one year forever :)

11 month newbies:
-he is not much of a fan for laying down these days, unless he's in his crib with a bottle in hand. 
-he gets extra excited when he goes down for naps or bedtime...i plan on getting this on video tonight. he does this little "happy to be going to sleep" dance right before we give him his bottle. it's hilarious.
-he stands up against everything, even walls now. 
-he can crawl faster than i ever thought was possible
-he LOVES dogs
-he loves little babies and kids. he stops whatever he is doing if he sees a baby or a little kid walk by wherever we are
-he takes Tylenol like a champ
-he still loves going to anyone that will hold him. he has started to kind of look around to make sure i'm around, but even that is rare.
-we have only found one food so far that he will not touch...grapes! who doesn't like grapes?! this kid loves onions, avacados, tomatoes...but not grapes? odd.
-still loves baths, but not as much. i think the pool will be funner for him
-he has been standing a couple of times on his own, but once he figures it out he goes straight to his bottom
-he still loves Toy Story, and he watches it every morning before his first nap
-he loves his sippy cup and water in cups
-he loves to crawl around while holding either his bottle in his mouth (the nipple of it) or a toy in his mouth. it's awesome. he has figured out how to get things from one place to another using a reliable resource.
-he loves to tap the keys on my keyboard while i'm on my laptop. nothing brings him more pleasure
-he is on an awesome sleeping schedule. goes to bed at 8. wakes up at 8:30. first nap is 10:30 to noon. second nap is 3-5. it's awesome! i am praying it stays consistent (since it's been like this for a few months now) for a little while longer.

that's all i can think of at the moment. i know i am missing a few things but they are minor i'm sure.

oh boy, i could go on and on about how much i adore this little man in my life. but i won't. i'll just say i love him more and more with every smile he gives me.


Ted and Breauna Housel said...

Hahaha Katie this is the best of all of them for sure! Such a cute little guy you have...I am living for the day Pilot has his sleep schedule :)

Brittany Moore said...

My little squishy! What AWESOME pics Katie!