
3 years ago...

this was us...

and here's us three years later...

it's crazy how time flies. on one hand it feels like we just got married yesterday, and on the other, i can't even remember what life was like not having my best friend as my husband. and i like it that way :)
to celebrate our 3 years of amazingness, Brett planned a secret getaway and the only condition was that we had to leave Dylan so we could have alone time, and do whatever we wanted and not be restricted by nap times and early bedtimes. when Brett told me that stipulation, i almost started crying. the thought of leaving my baby boy for not one, but TWO nights made me ache. i kept flip flopping the entire week before the trip between telling Brett "okay let's leave him" and "can't we just take him?" and finally, Thursday night (the day before we left) while we were packing for the trip, i asked Brett to give me a blessing because i just couldn't make up my mind. both decisions had pretty big cons in my mind. so he gave me a blessing, and it was just what i needed. i had absolute peace and was so calm about leaving him after that blessing. it's amazing how blessings do that :)
so i wrote up a very extremely detailed list of Dylan's schedule (which i spent an hour writing then forgot to take it to Dylan's grandparents house) and packed his things, and we were off Friday afternoon. we dropped him off, and all i did was hug him and whispered that i knew Heavenly Father would watch over him and kissed him, told him i loved him, and didn't look back. it was surprisingly easy for me. no tears. no sadness. just happiness that my weekend was beginning and Dylan's fun weekend with his grandparents was starting too. i had no doubt in my mind he would be taken care of and safe.
so we drove to the "secret" getaway destination which was Park City (one of my favorite places) and oh my goodness we had a blast! two full days of hot tubbing as much as we wanted, staying up as late as we wanted, sleeping in until whenever, going all day without having to go back to the hotel once unless we wanted too. i had honestly forgotten how nice it is to not have a little baby make all the decisions about what we do in our day! it was awesome! of course, i made Brett call his mom like 12 times to check on Dylan throughout the weekend, just to ease my occasional thoughts that Dylan might not be fine, but he did awesome! he slept through the night, stayed on his sleep schedule! seriously, that kid is an angel. it worked out perfectly for all of us, just like my blessing said it would. it was fabulous.

here are some pics from the trip, it was amazing :)

i am so grateful that Brett pushed me to have this experience without our son, not just because we got to celebrate the best decision we ever made and the best 3 years of our lives and just be together without worrying about baby needs, but because it taught me that i can trust others to watch my son and i don't need to keep him with me 24/7. it taught me that it's okay to leave him and go do things just us. 99% of the time we take him on the dates we go on, not because we don't have babysitters, we have plenty. we take him because not only do we like his company, but we take him because we don't want to leave him. after this experience, i am pretty sure we will have a set date night each week where we leave him and go just us. because it's important, and it's fun, and it helps that spark burn even brighter then it already is. it's amazing what being alone can do for your relationship.
and not only that, i feel so rejuvenated as a mom. it was awesome to have a break from crying, nap times, wiping noses and changing diapers.
thank you babe for this experience! not only was it amazing, but i learned so much!

1 comment:

Brett Hancock said...

We still had to worry about my nap time because I'm old now.