
All About Baby...

It's time for the annual Baby Updates:) Yay! I love posting about the baby, and if I love it this much now, I can't imagine how much I will love it when he gets here. I haven't done this for over a month and hopefully (crossing my fingers) this will be the last time I get to update you on how the baby is doing inside of me instead of on the outside! I already posted my 37 weeks pic in my last post, so here are the details at 37 Weeks:

-I have not been hungry at ALL these last couple of weeks. I have heard that you get extremely hungry in the last part of your pregnancy, but I have sort of lost my appetite. I had to force myself to drink a Jamba Juice yesterday and I completely forgot to eat dinner. Weird.

-When I am hungry, I crave Jamba Juices or any type of Fruit Smoothies. I cannot get enough of those babies! Also, Apples & Peanut Butter. I did crave a Frazil last week at like 11:30pm so Brett and I went to get one because I could NOT stop thinking about it.

-My feet and ankles are giant pillows of puffiness. Not to mention itchy! My feet itch constantly, and I called the doctor about this and apparently it is a sign (and so is the loss of appetite) of a liver disfunction called Cholestasis that some pregnant women get late in their pregnancy, but it can be serious enough to get induced. I had to rush into the Doc's office yesterday to get my blood drawn and we are getting the results today, so we will see.

-My wedding ring no longer sits on my finger because it is now too fat. It sucks! I haven't been able to wear it for about a week now. But I am actually surprised I was able to have it there for that long.

-I have been in the nesting stage the last week or so. I have been all over getting the house clean, reorganized and polished for the baby to come. I still have lots to do but I am sure I will have no trouble getting it done because I have such a desire to do it! Brett loves it!

-I am still wearing my regular jeans. Most of my regular shirts have accumulated dust because I cannot wear them, but my jeans are still fitting!

-I have learned I cannot be sitting indian style on the floor and bend over to reach something, because that causes a pinched sciatic nerve. I did it twice in two days and I was kicking myself in the butt for it. It was super painful and I had to just lay in bed while it healed both times. Not fun.

-I can still shave and paint my own toenails

-It is getting to be impossible to get comfortable, especially if we are trying to cuddle while watching a movie and it's after we have had dinner. I don't know why, but a full stomach makes it a thousand times worse at getting comfy on the couch.

-Sleeping is still going pretty good. My maternal clock has already started (a little early if you ask me) because every morning, without an alarm, I wake up at 6:45 (wide awake) then have to force myself to fall back asleep. But I cannot sleep past 8. It's absolutely impossible. I can still sleep on my back though, and either side works too.

-Stretch Marks are my absolute worst enemy! I probably shouldn't complain, because I have zero on my stomach (where you think I would get them) but I do have a few on my hips and thighs. Only a few, which I guess I should be grateful for. I'm sure they will, as much as they can, go away after baby comes...They better! Positive thinking:)

-My belly button hasn't popped out yet! I thought for sure it would by now, but it looks like it never will, which is completely fine with me:)

-I am constantly getting my ribs kicked or having baby stretch up against my stomach and all the while him having hiccups like 12 times a day. There is just no room for him in there, poor thing. It's not fun but I can't say I blame him for stretching as much as he does.

-The first thing I do when I wake up is run to the potty, and the last thing I do at night is go potty. I know that sounds like the norm for everyone, but it's way different when you pee for like 2 minutes each time.

-My face is getting puffy. I'm not a fan.

-I just had a checkup at the Doc two days ago and I have gained a total of 27 lbs. Not too shabby eh? I feel that I have done quite well, and it is a big accomplishment for me because I was terrified (like I am sure every other woman is) of gaining a ton of weight. It looks like all that healthy eating paid off:)

-Also at the Doctor's appointment, he checked my cervix to see if I am dilated at all. Let me just tell you, that was the most uncomfortable and painful experience I have had throughout this entire pregnancy. Granted, I haven't had any contractions yet or anything, but WOW~! It was not fun people. And, it doesn't help that I am dilated to an exact Zero. Yep, no change. We go in again next week and, as you can imagine, I am highly looking forward to that same experience again.

-We have been frantically working day and night to get the baby's room (formerly our office) cleared out from the desk that was in there and the chair and couch and junk, to make it a haven for our baby. It's been a looooooooong process but we got er' done!!! I just need to hang up one last craft I did for it last night and then I will take pics and post them either tonight or tomorrow:)

I think that's it. It doesn't really sound like a ton, and most of it is just for me to remember what's been going on so sorry if it's a bore. Also, sorry for the lack of pics. Don't you fret though, next post will be exploding with them!! (Baby Nursery:)

It's crazy to think he could be here any day now; that it's now just a waiting game. I still feel like I have so much time left, it hasn't really hit me yet that any day I could go into labor. I don't know if that terrifies me or if it excites me. Both I guess. I'm so tired of being pregnant (I will explain why) but I don't feel like I am ready to be a mom yet either so it goes both ways. I just don't want to screw the kid up ya know?! I have a lot of fears, but that is my biggest one. But, I must say, praying constantly has helped ease my worries and fears so I think for the most part I am good to go. I don't really have a choice at this point. And Brett has been good to go from the start! He is going to be an AMAZING dad, and he can't wait for baby to get here. I know I will feel the same as soon as I see the little guy, I know I will wonder how I ever lived without him here. I can't imagine that feeling, but I am excited for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie!! I love these updates! They make me so much less nervous for someday when I have a little one. It sounds like your pregnancy is going great, and you still look the same with just a baby bump--which is my dream!!! I just look at your pictures and have relief. You look great!!
Thanks for the updates! I'm soooooo excited for you!