
Update on The Hancocks...

Wow, it's been about 3 weeks since I blogged last! Whoops! Life has been crazy with me not working and all...:) No but seriously, we have been working hard on the following:

-Babies room (that should be the next blog post...hopefully it's done in a day or two)
-Shopping for Baby (FINALLY got it taken care of. There have been FedEx Trucks here everyday for the last week)
-Working hard on deep-cleaning the house
-Moving a bunch of stuff out of our spare room to our storage shed
-Reorganizing our house
-Me pinching my Sciatic Nerve twice in two days which = Bedridden for those days
-Me catching up on all my guilty pleasure shows such as Khloe & Lamar, Real Housewives of Orange County and Teen Mom (yes I'm lame)
-Parenting Classes
-Our 2-Year Anniversary
-and Brett being in Summer school and doing 3 hours of homework a day.

It's been Sooooo nice but very busy. Here is a few pics and updates of what else has been goin' on (since most blog posts are super boring without pics):

We spent a full day at Hogle Zoo (yeah doing that at 37 weeks is not the smartest idea, but definitely worth the fun) with our best friends up here, Dan and Steph. I don't have any pics of the 4 of us (they are on Dan's camera) but it was a good day. We did that, then decided to make a day in Salt Lake and went to the Planetarium @ The Gateway, shopped a little, got soaked from the rain, rode Trax over to see The Joseph Smith movie and then finished the night off at Simply Sushi. Yep, good day with good friends:) My feet were ready to fall off at the end but it was a blast!

Here is the 37 Weeks shot...a little scary to think this could be my last shot being pregnant (well, actually, when I think of it that way it sounds amazing) but I am so looking forward to having our little man here! I am so done being pregnant!! I love the kicks and the movements, but that is about the only benefit at this point. As you can tell, my feet and ankles have lost their entire shape (I look like I have grandma legs), I cannot get comfortable especially after I have eaten something, I have pinched my sciatic nerve TWICE (the worst pain E.V.E.R.) and the list could go on and on. Yep, having my normal body back is sounding pretty good right about now.

We celebrated our 2 YEAR Anniversary this last week (May 19th, and please don't look too hard at my pregnancy face, I hate it)!!! I cannot believe it's been two years! It feels like it's been two months (seriously!) We celebrated by Brett giving me flowers (if you couldn't tell), letters to each other, Texas Roadhouse and a good ol' stay-at-home move night. It was fabulous, especially since all of our $$ is going to baby. I thought about doing a blog post about how much I love Brett and all that cheesy stuff, but I am pretty sure you guys know that, and I wrote it to him in his letter I gave him so I just figured I would leave it at this: I love you Brett! Thanks for the best two years of my life! I can't wait for eternity:)

Last week Brett decided he hated how our front yard looked. The lady who lived here before us planted these nasty bushes that were not only ugly, but dead as doornails and were just sitting there rotting away. So Brett decided to make a flower garden, while I encouraged and supported him from my chair because bending over at all at this point is not only painful, but impossible. That's him with his ending result. He is so proud of this little garden, and I am too! He did a great job and it looks amazing out there now! Good job babe!

And last but not least, Bentley got his little parts chopped, hence the cone. He has been a trooper though. He mostly just lays around and wants you to hold him while he sleeps. He looks so stinkin' cute with his cone though, we have probably taken 20 pics of him with it on. He's not loving it so much though.

Well I think that's it for now. Things are moving right along in our neck of the woods, and we are on the last end of getting things ready for this baby to come. It is a HUGE relief to have all the baby stuff here though, that was a little stressful for a bit.
I must say I haven't missed work one little bit. I don't even know why I thought I would besides for the social aspect. I have been socializing plenty with our friends and family, and it's been so nice being home and accomplishing things around here that have needed to be done for a while, and not to mention Brett is here all the time so it's great.

I have a Doctor's appt. tomorrow so the doc can check my cervix to see how much I am dialated, if at all (yeah...this should be interesting). So we will know if I am even remotely close to going in anytime soon. Ahhhhh!! I'll be sure to let you know how that goes.....Toodles!

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