
Pregnancy: Week 18

So I am 18 weeks today! CRAZY! I cannot believe that I am almost to the halfway mark of this entire pregnancy. It's been flying by so fast I don't know where it's gone! We went to the Doctor's yesterday and heard the heartbeat. Before we heard it the Doctor came in and was asking all the usual questions like "how have you been feeling?" and " have you felt the baby move yet?" My answers: "Good" to the first question and "I have no idea what that would feel like" to the second question. Apparently it's supposed to feel like butterflies in your tummy or gas bubbles in your really low part of your uterus. I am waiting and now paying attention to anything I am feeling down there so I can know when I am feeling it. That is going to be amazing when I can actually feel it kicking and hiccuping, but for now I will just stick with the butterflies:) After asking me those questions, he got paged and had to go deliver a baby right that minute. He shot out of the room and Brett and I strolled around the room with our cell phones in the air trying to get reception the entire time, and right when I got it he was back. He was only gone for like 10 minutes tops! It's amazing that he can just run up there, deliver and be a part of the most incredible miracle on earth, and be back down in 10 minutes and be totally normal. I think I would be crying every time I was apart of that. But, I guess he just gets used to it. It's like driving I would imagine, the more you do it the more you get used to it and get on autopilot. Anywho, so he asked a few more questions and then we heard the heartbeat. AMAZING. I love that sound more than I love the sound of Disneyland. It makes things so much more real, especially since, for the most part, I have been feeling normal.
Which brings me to my next point. I wanted to list a few changes that have happened since the last time I detailed what has been going on. So here they are:

-HEARTBURN is of the Devil. I truly believe this. I have been experiencing the absolute worst heartburn on the planet the last couple of days. So bad, in fact, I begin dryheaving and am barely able to not throw up. I have no idea where it comes from, what I do or eat to cause it, or the best remedy to get rid of it. Researching is in order or else I will literally commit suicide. It's horrible.

-My sleeping schedule has even gotten more out of whack this week. I didn't think it could, but oh boy was I wrong. Since last Tuesday, I have been konking out between 8:30-9:00. Like I get so tired that I really cannot help but fall asleep, even if I'm sitting straight up. Can you say lame?! I am normally a night owl, so therefore this new schedule really doesn't agree with me. But I can't help it. (And for some lucky reason I woke up at midnight tonight and am wide awake which is totally fine with me:) This is one thing I am not going to miss, but then again, I am going to miss sleeping all together so I guess I should embrace it while I can? Silver lining:)

-I have been hungry literally every hour, sometimes more than that. But not just hungry, it's like an urge comes and I get super shaky and I feel like I haven't eaten for days. It's the weirdest thing ever. I have learned to prepare for this so I have brought a bunch of lunchables (my fav), apples, cheese sticks, granola bars and banana's to feed our entire office for a week if we got stranded there. But anyway, so I get to work and eat a big breakfast (banana or apple, granola bar and a slim fast because they are yummy and have tons of vitamins) then an hour later I am in the fridge. Then the next hour and so on. And this continues all day until around 2 then I am fine until dinner. It's super annoying. But, as my new motto goes, anything for the baby. Even if that means I feel like I am gaining 5 pounds a day thanks to all my eating binges:(

-I still have no bump:( Well, I can't say that I guess. I have a little pudge. It just looks like I have gained weight in my tummy, it doesn't look like I'm pregnant. Basically I just look fat in my tummy area. Not fun. I want a BUMP! At least then i would look somewhat cute and hopefully have that "glow" and not look like I am getting fatter by the day and not pregnant. I still fit in my regular jeans which is nice I must say, but I would gladly buy prego pants if I could have a little bump. I even bought one of those Bellabands like a month ago and I can't even wear it. I tried it today and it's looser than most of my shirts. Ugh! Patience, as you can tell, is not one of my strong points. I just never thought I would be almost halfway through and still not have a cute belly. But I shouldn't complain, less backaches for me which is a big plus.

- I have had to go to the bathroom at least every hour. Yeah, not fun.

- I still am not craving Chocolate, and a new addition is Cafe Rio. Brett always wants to go there because his mom gave us gift cards there in our stockings this year, but it just sounds BLAH to me. I have zero desire to go there which is so sad because that place used to be my favorite. Hopefully that desire kicks in again once the baby is here.

Okay those are all of the changes I can think of right now. I really am loving being pregnant, even though it might not sound like it above. Those things are annoying, but knowing that my body is growing a little person inside of it and it's going to be ours forever makes me smile and not even care about those things and makes all of it worth it. I still don't think I have room to complain, I know that I am having it pretty easy. I just need to remind myself of that when I am falling asleep at 8:30 tomorrow night:)

And I am now starting the countdown...12 days and we get to find out the sex of our baby! Ummmm it's all I can think about and dream about. It feels like a lifetime to get there but we are SO excited. YAY!

P.s. sorry there are no pics with this post. I know posts without pics are kinda boring, but there are no pics to post at the moment unless you all want to see all the adorable clothes I have purchased recently but I won't bore you with that. I still look the same and once that bump comes, or anything exciting happens and we take pics, they will be posted:) Okay, goodnight.


Alli & Richy said...

I am so happy your pregnancy is going so well! Once you find out the sex you will be in heaven getting everything all ready:) Ps. I started getting heartburn at 32 weeks every night, and my doc recommended zantac and sleeping at an incline...it really helped. Can't wait to see pics of your cute little bump once it comes:)

Sammy said...

Hey Katy! What an exciting post! Oh i remember when I was 18 weeks pregnant, it is just so exciting! I can't wait to find out what you are having it is the most exciting moment of your life, so happy for you. hopefully you feel that baby soon it is SO exciting. i felt violet for the first time at 16 weeks and felt her non stop from that moment on! ha ha too funny. anyway hope all is well and we'll be calling to come and visit you soon!
(your vt!)

Hilary said...

Did I tell you you can take pepcid? Talk to your Dr. first, you can alwys chug tums like they're going out of style. that's what I did with #1 (who, surprisingly, was the only one I had heartburn with).
No bump. You'll one day read this post and laugh. I'm sure my bump is bigger than yours. :)

Hilary said...

Oh, and when you're at a delivery that's someone you love and it's not your job, it's really different. Surprisngly different. :)
Other than that, it's a job. :)