
My favorite Day of the Week is...

THURSDAY!!!!! Do you want to know why?? It's the day of the week I found out I was pregnant. It's the day of the week all of my Doctor's Appointments have been. It's been the day of the week that I have looked forward to since I saw that first ultrasound with that cute little bean and heartbeat beating. It's the day of the week we heard that strong little heartbeat twice, with each beat falling more in love. Since that first Thursday, this baby is all I have dreamed about, thought about and breathed about. And tomorrow, yet another Thursday, is the most EXCITING Thursday since that first Doc's appt. It's the day we find out if we are having:

I have been thinking about this day for what seems like the LONGEST time! It has come more slowly than I ever thought possible. Seriously, I think God has made time go slower to make me more patient. It's not working. I am SO impatient about this! I have been losing sleep over excitement. I am more excited for tomorrow than I think I have ever been excited for Christmas in my life. It is going to make this so much more real. Especially since I just barely have something of a baby-bump, nothing enough to need to buy new clothes yet. I think that's coming soon though:) But tomorrow we get to know if we are having a sweet little handsome baby boy or an adorable beautiful baby girl. Ahhhhhhhhh! So many people have asked me what I think we are having. Honestly, I have NO clue. The first month or two I was sure it was a girl, not sure why, I just felt that somehow. Then that feeling went away and now I don't know. Either way, Boy or Girl, I don't care as long as it's healthy And not to mention, I cannot WAIT to see that little baby on the ultrasound screen again. I have been dying to see it since the first time we did. We love this little baby so much already and cannot wait for tomorrow! I think I'll go to bed right now so tomorrow comes faster :)

Oh, and one more reason to be excited about tomorrow: I am getting eyelash extensions. I am pretty excited about it, and I am getting off work a few hours early. Tomorrow is going to be amazing!

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