
It's a Boy!!

So, if you haven't already heard (which I am sure most of you have) we are having a sweet little BOY!!! I don't think I will ever be able to describe in words this ultrasound experience. It was absolutely incredible!

I woke up that morning with the worst pain running down my leg and also, my stomach felt like it was literally being stretched. Not fun. It went on all day and all night that day, and I was glad we were going to the Doctor so I could make sure it was normal. He said it was so that was comforting. Comforting but super uncomfortable. Before our appointment, I was super worried that we wouldn't be able to find out the sex because they say sometimes the baby isn't too active and won't move around, so I researched on the internet and everyone said to drink cold Orange Juice. I am not sure what that does but I made sure to down a whole waterbottle of it right before we went in for it. Oh my goodness did it work!!! He was EXTREMELY active! And just seeing our little baby doing flips, sucking his thumb, seeing him wiggle around....wow~! I really have no words. It was so surreal and so amazing at the same time. I could not believe that little baby was rolling around inside me. I hadn't felt him yet so seeing do all these movements inside of me and me not feeling a thing was pretty crazy.

So what he did first was go around and check out our little guy to make sure everything was growing properly. I wanted to know right off the bat what sex it was but I think they save that until last on purpose, because if they told you in the beginning you wouldn't even hear what they are saying about the heart and the brain.
So he went around and showed us every little part of our baby, staying away from in between the legs. It was so amazing to see his little hands and feet and his legs and arms and his big heart! AMAZING! Then, he brought up the image at the top and said "can you tell what you are having?" And Brett shouted "ITS A BOY!!" And I was like what?! Then the guy explained it and we were just SO thrilled! We were hoping for a boy so badly (I kept having the feeling it was a girl so I was a little nervous) but we got our wish!! It was AMAZING! I teared up a little and Brett was just holding my hand and squeezing it so tight and we couldn't stop smiling. It was so incredible! The BEST feeling ever thus far! And they also took 4D pictures of him, so we can see his face really well and his hands, but they aren't on a disc so we just have them on our fridge. It is crazy they can take the pictures like they do. We can see his face so clear and he is adorable. I want him here now! We left the hospital on cloud 9. It was amazing. Then we called our families and they were so thrilled. Everyone thought I was having a girl, especially my mom and my sister. It was fun to hear their reactions when we told them it was a boy:) I just can't wait for him to get here!! He was just so cute! And to celebrate that night, we went to our favorite place: Texas Roadhouse and splurged on amazing food:)

PS In case you were wondering, I got eyelash extensions that same day so that is why my eyelashes are so long. And yes, they were worth it and I absolutely love them!

And yesterday (day after ultrasound) I felt him MOVE for the first time! I have been sad because I haven't felt anything but I felt a little flutter at work yesterday and thought I peed my pants at first or something, I didn't understand what was going on. Then it happened again and I knew. I was SO happy! It was amazing. It hasn't happened since but I am keeping close attention so I will feel it when it does:)

20 Week Updates of Pregnancy:

~I am STILL wearing my regular clothes. They are getting pretty tight now so I am thinking we are going to have to shopping here in a week or two. And I have been feeling that "stretching" feeling off and on since the day of the ultrasound (not fun) and it's crazy the effects it's having on my tummy. I suck in now and it looks like I'm not doing anything. It's so crazy! I love it though, I am actually starting to get my bump I have wanted:)

~I have been obsessed with baked potatoes! Every chance I get, I want one! They are my #1 craving.

~I am still in shock that I am already half way along! NUTS!

~This baby is an early bird. I wake up at 7 every morning without an alarm clock and head straight to the potty. It's kinda nice though, not being extremely tired in the morning.

~I am constantly wanting water. Especially in the middle of the night. Brett is so nice at 2am when I wake up and say "bubba I am so thirsty" he rolls over and gives me a kiss and goes downstairs and grabs me some. I bring a cup with me to bed every night but it is usually empty before I fall asleep.

~My back is starting to get sore. I know this is normal, but I am not a fan.

~I am pretty sure our dogs know there is a baby in there. Every night in bed one of them sleeps with their head right on my tummy. They never did that before. It's so cute:)

~ I have been getting better at staying up later, on most night. I usually make it to about 11 but not much later than that.

~I have always had headaches, but I am now having at least a couple a day. And almost half of them turn into migraines. Yeah, not fun. Thank you Tylenol!

~I pretty much out-eat Brett at every meal

~My hormones have been going a little crazy the last few days. I get frustrated or offended over hardly anything (not all the time, I find that it mostly happens in the late evening, kinda random) but it's annoying for me and Brett. Luckily I am noticing it so I can try to tone it down and realize it's the hormones.

So these are about all the updates I have for now. Only a few new things. I am still feeling great with no sickness, not craving chocolate and trying to eat healthy and constantly having baby boy in my mind:)


Sammy said...

Congratulations Katie! That is so exciting, I am so thrilled for you i remember being 20 wks pregnant, what a milestone! sounds like things are going well, i will be calling you to see when we can come visit you this week!

Wendy M. said...

congrats! That is all so exciting! Check with your Doc, mine was able to give me a strong medication for the head aches that I had with Tanner. I hope they can get better for you.

Hilary said...

Awh, congrats. Ultrasounds are always amazing!