
at the zoo...

this last Saturday we decided, since it was going to be amazingly beautiful outside, that we wanted to go to the zoo with our good friends Evan and Karlie, and their twins (who are Dylan's best friends) Bentley & Chloe. we couldn't have had a better time. we love hangin' with these two and the kiddo's had a ball.

the kids favorite were the seals and the otters. if you couldn't tell by the pictures, they adored watching them! after this fun extravaganza, these two came over later that night for pizza, treats and some good laughs until 1am. we are good at staying up late when they come over. they are probably so sick of us, but we just love them. thanks for the good times friends :)

oh, ps, for those of you who have been so nice and have been wondering how i am doing, i am 100% better! yay! hope i never have to go through that again.

1 comment:

Jared and Melissa Palmer said...

Amazing pictures! You look amazing, as usual! We need to get together soon for real- I miss you!