
family photos 2013

my goodness! hello neglected blog! i am surprised it let me log in and write another post, it's been so dang long! you know how it gets, you get busy, then you figure you have nothing to write about, then you have so much to write about that you don't want to do it all because playing catch-up sucks. so i am not going to play it, i am just going to blog about what we did this weekend. i am on a break from my new job (see, there's a perfect example of what hasn't been updated on here, yeah, i need to get on the bloggin' train again) so I thought I would post a post.

yes, i attempted family pictures with my camera, my remote and my new tripod. let me tell you, i understand why photographers pay other photographers to take their photos. it is TOUGH! especially if you have a little boy who just wants to be put down so he can eat dirt and find as many rocks and sticks as he can. but, we attempted, and i am rather proud of what came out of our fun-filled family session up the canyon. we didn't get as many with Dylan as I would've liked, but we got enough. and don't be surprised if you see some later this year taken by an actual person, i would actually like to not stress next time our photos are taken.
enjoy :)

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