
double digits...

this little guy has graduated into the double digits! ah! i'm so not ready for this. but, he just keeps growing up and growing on us. he is just so fun, adorable and hilarious. two more months and he will be...i can't think about it.

10 month newbies:

- this is the first time in the last 4 months i have posted on the exact day he got a month older. i am finally getting on the ball!
- he has had his little bandage on his hand for 2 weeks now, and it doesn't phase him at all. each time i change it, he stretches his little hand and stares at it like "woah, so this is what it feels like to be able to move this hand"
- he is now an expert crawler. he is so fast i sometimes have to get in a jog to get him! and he is really good at following me around each room we are in, and if i leave a room for a second, he hauls over to the door and looks around and if he sees me, he bolts towards me with a big smile on his face.
- he knows when he is put in his high chair, it means food. he sits there and hums and kicks his legs and is so excited. this kid loves his grub.
- we still haven't found anything that he won't eat. he downs tomatoes like they are candy. he tried beef and chicken last week and loved both. we still have lots of foods to introduce to him.
- his new favorite thing is climbing the stairs. and since he has no idea how to get down from them, i am constantly going and grabbing him or standing behind him as he goes up. he loves it, and has the time of his life going up them.
- he loves water. both drinking it and bathing in it. you would think he was an addict the way he gets when he sees it.
- he is a chatterbox. he loves saying "mamamamamama" and "dadadadadadada" but i don't think he knows what he is saying, but maybe he does?
- he goes to bed at 8 and wakes up around 8:30 everyday and has been for the last few months. i'm savoring it. and every morning when i go in to get him after he has been talking to himself for 20 minutes, he is standing in the exact same spot in his crib waiting for me with a big smile. my heart melts every time.
- he is really good at getting himself into a standing position when he has something to hold onto. aka, furniture. and getting really good at walking around it. even with his little bandage he is so good at doing it. seriously, i'm in for it when that thing comes off in a couple days.
- he is super ticklish. his thighs, neck, armpits and feet are his biggest spots. 
- he loves being chased. he squeals and usually face-plants it because he gets so excited and tries his best to crawl away.
- he loves being outside. his naptime with come and go and you would never know it when we are outside.
- he is getting really good at mimicking what he sees. he is getting good at waving and shaking his head no when i say no, he does it too, and if i want him to talk i'll just say "dadada" and he will start whispering it.

i think that's all for now. he is still the happiest little thing and loves people and loves life! 
can time stop now?

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