
holy moly...

he's growin up and he's growin up FAST! and, he manages to get cuter and cuter while he grows up. this kid is movin so fast (both in age and in motion) that i can't seem to keep up. oh, and if you couldn't tell, he loves the camera. we have put some serious thought about calling a couple of modeling agencies for him, we think he's that adorable, but i am sure that every parent thinks that about their own kids so we might just be making a big deal out of nothing. but, this kid IS a big deal, and besides, i could definitely see him on the next Huggies commercial, couldn't you? he's just so darn cute and photogenic!

new for 9 months:

- this kid is officially a crawler as of last Saturday night! he still likes to do his little scooting maneuver (i need to film it before he stops doing it) but he is getting the hang of the crawling thing more and more each day. 
- he loves big people food...and he HATES when you don't share with him. it's so funny, he totally knows when we are eating and he sits there and groans and crawls over to you (if he is on the floor) until he gets in on the good stuff too
- he is obsessed with watching Toy Story and Toy Story 2. if he is in a bad mood, just put on those and he is good. i think he mostly loves the previews though.
- he is learning to use a sippy cup. he mostly just looks at it funny when he gets a taste of apple juice or he thinks its a toy but he is starting to warm up to it.
- he loves cups of water. we can put a cup of water across the room from him, and gets super excited and does his super fast army crawl over to it. it's hilarious. he also loves to drink out of your cup.
- he is starting to take less naps. today he has only taken one so far and he normally has taken 2-3 by now, so we'll see if that sticks.
- he just got done with another round of teething. that's always fun for both baby and parent. he was onry for a straight week. now the old Dylan has returned (constant laughter and smiles) and we love it.
- he loves guacamole, bread, bananas, strawberries, and pretty much anything we feed him. there hasn't been anything he has rejected or spit out so we take that as a good sign.
- this kid, like i said before, absolutely LOVES the camera. you probably wouldn't believe that right before i took these shots he was crying and screaming (he was hungry). right when he sees the camera, it's like a whole new baby. he automatically gets into character, smiles, giggles and flirts with the camera. he knows what i'm doing and he loves every minute of it. it's awesome.
- he is still as happy as can be. only sad when he's starving to death or super tired.
- he loves dogs. they make him so thrilled. and that makes us thrilled.
- yesterday, we were sitting watching Toy Story (what's new) but this time i was sitting on the floor with him and he crawled over to me and climbed onto my lap (as best he could) and it pretty much melted my heart. i sat him on my lap and he stayed there the entire movie. yeah, i think i teared up a bit. 
- he loves to sing along to music. everytime i'm in the car with the radio on, all i listen to is Dylan singing in his carseat. and he loves to show off his vocal talents during the hymns at church as well.
- he is right on schedule, fitting into 9 month clothes.
- he is such a boy. he loves to make farting noises and spit for 15 minutes straight, most of the time i think he does it to pass the time in the car when he gets bored. it's awesome. 
- he knows who i am, and when i walk in a room he lights up and starts jumping and he has reached for me a couple of times. he even prefers me over Brett a good share of the time, especially when he is hurt, and i never thought that would ever happen, so i am one happy mommy.

Dylan, stop growing please. that would be fabulous. i can't handle that in 3 months you will be a year old. NO! it can't be! i seriously am in denial. so stop growing now, okay? mmmmkay:)

we love you little man! 

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