
busy baby...

our little munchkin is so busy, we can't seem to keep up with him! i realized that i haven't been blogging about Dylan as much as i would like to, because after all, this is somewhat of a journal of our lives, and Dylan is pretty much the biggest part of it. so, i wanted to show you what our cutie has been up to lately... (please excuse the poor quality of the pics, they were all taken with our phones)

making silly faces (this is his latest...sucking on his bottom lip and he will hum while he does it. it cracks us up everytime)

still loving his bouncer...seriously, we would die without that thing. and i think he would too, he is so attached to it. 

laughing ALL the time. this sweetie pie loves to laugh! especially when his dad is around, but i am actually getting pretty good at making him laugh now...finally

putting himself to sleep. this picture was taken after he fell asleep next to me on the bed while i was laying down next to him playing with my phone so he could see it...he dozed right off. he does that a lot now. we just stick him in his crib half the time when he is sleepy and he puts himself to sleep.

going on dates with mom and dad to eat sushi (you can tell he is so happy about it:)

eating lots and lots of banana's. he HATES rice cereal still. what a cute and good eater though!

loving his new Jumperoo. we bought this off KSL a couple of weeks ago and he loves this thing! he could sit in there for hours and play.

reading business magazines with dad...he needs to stay up to date on what's going on in the world of business

cuddling with mom by the fire at grandma's house. and mooning everyone (not really, he just had a really bad yeast infection so we were trying to dry out his bottom before we stuck another diaper on him...he was too amazed by the fire to even care. don't you just love baby bums!)

 he's been one busy baby right? so busy and so stinkin cute. we love you little man! thanks for making our world better than we ever thought was possible!


mommy and daddy

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