

This girl is coming to Logan:

This pic is from a few years ago (but I love it), taken on a Cruise down in the Caribbean. One of our many girl trips with our amazing madre :)

Can I just say that I cannot WAIT for tomorrow! I miss her so much! We talk on the phone a few times a week, and she only lives in Salt Lake, but it's just too far for my sister/best friend to live. She is coming to stay until Sunday! Wahoo! And my other best friend  (my mama) is coming up Friday night for a girls night then my brother-in-law is coming up Saturday and all are staying through Sunday. Yes, I cannot wait. Yes, it cannot come fast enough. And yes, it's going to be a partay!! I miss my family so so much, so this is going to be a treat. Girl talk, making treats, pedicures, manicures, constant giggles and laughter, shopping, going out on the town, late night movies, games, The Pumpkin Walk and so much more are in store the next few days. I have been waiting for this weekend since it was planned (so about two weeks) but it has felt a lot longer than that. I.Cant.Wait.

Don't worry, there will be plenty of snapshots taken so the next post will be a post full of goodies. Stay tuned...

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