
four months...

Well, here is our four month old. Isn't he seriously just the cutest thing you have ever seen? He just keeps getting fatter and fatter, cuter and cuter and happier and happier. He is learning new things everyday. Not kidding. He is just so smart and so curious about everything, it's so cute to see. He becomes a bigger joy everyday. We cannot believe how time flies. Four months already. I just can't believe it. I know I always say that but it's true. I remember four months ago today like it was two minutes ago. It is insane how much our little man has changed in that short amount of time. He really has gone from sleeping all day to only napping a couple of times a day and wanting to be held to look at everything there is to see so he can learn about it or process it. He is so alert (he has been since day 1) and always wanting to be involved. Here are his month four newsies:

- He is constantly holding his feet. If he is in a position to reach his feet, he goes for them.

- He has to have our constant attention. I know that every baby is like this, but I think Dylan's case is extreme. If we are watching a show, he will make noise to a point where he does a high-pitched scream (not fussing, just screaming) until we look at him. Once he sees we are looking at him, he will smile or laugh or make a coo sound letting us know that is what he wanted. This goes on all day long.

- He is constantly laughing now. Brett is so good at making him laugh. I am getting better, I just don't think he thinks I am funny but Brett is hilarious. 

- He loves his bouncer. He fell asleep 3 times today in that thing. It's a lifesaver for when our arms are tired.

- He is great at holding his head up. Almost perfect at it.

- He holds his own bottle now. Not all the time, just like 90% of the time. It's adorable and helpful.

- If he is fussy and sees a bottle being made or sees us get up once he is hungry, he stops crying and knows we are making his food. 

- His cheeks are getting bigger. LOVE that.

- We have his 4 month appointment on Halloween, so we will see his stats then but he has obviously gained a lot of weight and his height has grown.

- He has finally grown out of his newborn clothes and is in his 0-3 months. We are making progress.

- He is not a huge fan of tummy time. Sometimes he is, sometimes he sits and cries. Depends on his mood.

- His sleep schedule has been a tad off the last few nights. He is deciding to go to bed at 10, then wake up at 1:30am and play. Not eat. Not cuddle. Play. Then after a half hour of playing he decides he is hungry and will go to sleep. It's great for us because who needs sleep these days? 

- He loves sitting on our laps, and standing with our help. He is constantly standing on our legs. Most of the time if he is fussy and not hungry, it's because he wants to be standing up.

- He is so good at following us with his eyes. A pro in fact.

- He loves music. If there is music on, he will start grooving.

- He rubs his eyes when he gets tired. It's so stinkin' cute.

-He is a super-drooler. He has enough spit to give water to a third world country.

- He is just getting so active, constantly kicking, arm pumping and squealing with delight. It's hilarous. See video below this post to see what I'm talking about.

I think that's all for now. I will remember new things after I post this of course but these are the most noticeable things. Dylan, we just love you so much. You are constant entertainment for us and we love you more than you know. You are hilarious, constantly smiling and are just such a happy baby. Keep being a curious baby and learning lots and always wanting to snuggle. We love everything about you and love all the new things you do every day. Love, mommy and daddy.

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