
New year, New resolutions...

HAPPY 2011 everyone! It's crazy that it's already a new year. I can remember last new year's eve perfectly. We were at my mom's house with my siblings, and we did cheese fondue, lots of treats and watched movies and played games. Was that really a year ago?! Wow, how time flies. Especially when you are married, I think. This last year was a great year. So much happened in our life and it has been amazing to look back at all we have accomplished and done. Here are some of our favorites (no specific order):

- We moved from our horribly nasty apartment to our beautiful townhome we love
- We survived potty-training 2 dogs
- I chopped my hair (something I do not regret, which I usually do so it's nice:)
- We went to California twice, drove both times. We also went to Chicago
- Brett survived 2 semesters of school, and figured out what he wanted to do: Business with an emphasis in Personal Financial Planning
- We got pregnant:)
- Our baby Daisy got spayed:(
- I searched long and hard and finally got a new job that I absolutely love
- We sold Brett's car and paid mine off. Hooray for no car payments!!
- We got our first Christmas Tree
- We saw our baby for the first time in an ultrasound and heard it's heartbeat for the first time
- We made lots of friends up here in Logan and played a lot with them and with our families
- We hit our first anniversary mark and are more in love each and every day

Wow, what a year! We obviously did more than that but those were definitely the highlights. This year is definitely going to hold the biggest surprises, more challenges and excitement than we have ever known. Here is what some of our goals are and what we are looking forward too this year:

- We are finding out the sex of the baby in 2 weeks!!
- Brett is graduating with his Bachelor's degree
- Having the baby in June
- We will most likely be moving from Logan to either South Jordan or to wherever Brett gets a job (hopefully here)
- We have made it a goal to go on a trip together at least once a year, and this year we aren't sure if it's going to happen with the baby coming, but if it does we want it to be anywhere with a beach
- Becoming parents and all the experiences that are going to come along with it

Those are the most basic ones. We have both made lists of personal goals and resolutions to do, as well as our couple's resolutions. I love doing that as a couple, making a list and talking about things you can do better to make your family grow and your bond even stronger. We have a lot of habits we want to establish before this baby comes. It's so exciting but scary at the same time, but we know it's going to be the best time of our lives thus far. We are so excited for this year to begin and for our family to grow!!

Baby Update:
All I can think about is what we are going to have...a boy or a girl. I just want to know so much. I already feel so protective of this baby. I never thought I would feel like that while I was pregnant. Here are a few examples: I refuse to drink caffeine. I have had the worst cold all week and I didn't want to take anything for it, I just called the hospital 3 days ago and asked if there was anything that was safe that I could take and they said Dayquil was fine. I still haven't taken any, I don't know how I feel about it. I get headaches almost every day so I have been taking Tylenol for that, but I hate taking it. I know those sound like little things, but I never had any problem taking any medicine before and now I am just super cautious. It's always the first thing I think about before I do anything. We love this baby so much already, we can't wait to see it again in a couple of weeks and find out what it's going to be.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I always recommend nada the first trimetser, except tylenol. Even sudafed's no good first trimester....