
Day Six...

A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

This picture is awesome. I love how it shows Brett's playful side. Anywho, this one is pretty obvious. My husband and Best friend has THE BIGGEST impact on me for sure. I have become such a better person because of this amazing boy:) I have been able to achieve so many of my personal goals for myself because of his help and patience and love. He has helped me see where I need to improve in my life not by telling me, but by his example. He really wants me to be a better person and pushes me to be without being overbearing. I know I have said this time and time again on this blog, but he really is the MOST patient person I have EVER met in my life. Seriously, I can be the biggest brat sometimes and he is so patient and loving with my mood swings and girl emotions. I would probably go crazy if I lived with me but somehow I got lucky and got someone who can put up with me and knows all my flaws, fears, quarks and crazy sides and loves me more than anything. I am amazed that I got an amazing man who fits me like a glove and is perfect for me. Brett, I love you. I am a better person because of you and I am so grateful to be yours for eternity. Thanks for helping me become the person I am today and thank you for impacting me for the better:) Eternity here we come...

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