
4th of July Fun!!

Is it crazy that is already July?! Where has the freakin year gone?? I cannot believe how fast time is flying! Anywho, so last weekend was 4th of July weekend and it was a B-last! It is always nice to have a 3-Day weekend from work and life and just relaxing and playing. We had one of my best friends weddings on Friday night, and it was so much fun! She was a gorgeous bride, and her reception was AMAZING! Congrats Leslie and Jordan! We love you guys!
We then attended the annual Ashton Family Reunion up in Ophur Canyon. I had never heard of that canyon until we were driving there, but it was actually not too far, and it was a really good time! We went shooting (i did better than Brett hehe) and we played cards, chatted, and hung out. It was a great time and so good to be with my family who I haven't seen for a while. We also hung out with Brett's family on Monday. Brett's Lab, Cortana, who is living with Brett's parents, had a litter of 8 PUPPIES a month ago so we got to play with them and they are ADORABLE!!! Hopefully, keep crossing your fingers, we get to keep one. We have already picked a name for him so I am hoping we get to take him home when he is old enough. It was so nice to just relax and be able to chill. Oh, and then, on a spur of the moment deal, I decided to chop my hair. I cut a good 5 inches off, which kind of shocks me because my hair wasn't super long in the first place. I have been trying to grow it out, but it just stopped growing. So if you can't beat em, join em right? :) So I got a drastic A-line and I LOVE IT!!!! It's taking a bit to get used too but I am so glad I did it. And Brett likes it too so that's good. And now here we are, back to life and back to reality. But, we are going to Chicago in a month with my family so at least we have something to look forward too!! Here are some pics of our fun-filled weekend. Enjoy:)


Meg and Brandon said...

I LOVE YOUR HAIR THAT SHORT!!!! I LOVE IT! p.s i have the black and blue head over hills shirt and I also love it (mine has holes in it I wear it so much) and I LOVED THOSE PUPPIES!!!!

Alli & Richy said...

The short hair is so stinking cute! You look beautiful! Also, we must get together when I come to Utah:)