
Count Your Many Blessings.....

Over the last week or so I have had a hard time not thinking about my life and what a blessed life I lead! I truly cannot believe how much Heavenly Father has given me. I don't know what I did to have all that I do. It amazes me every day that I wake up next to the most amazing Husband, who I really can say is the guiding light in my life and who is my Best Friend. He loves me despite all my flaws and constantly is teaching me and helping me grow and become a better person and help my weaknesses become strengths. He is so perfect for me in every way that it is kind of scary sometimes. He really does fill in all the spots that I lack in ability or strength. I can truly say that I do not deserve him, I think I just got super lucky. We celebrated our *1st anniversary* last Wednesday (May 19th Woo Woo) and it was incredible to think we have been married a year already. On one hand it feels like we have been married for 1 month but then on the other hand I can't remember life without Brett in it. It's a crazy feeling but I love it. We have so much fun together and although the first year of marriage definitely had it's hard moments, it has been a blast and everyday it honestly just keeps getting better!! I love it!! I am so excited to spend eternity with my sweetheart! What's not to love about this guy!!
I have also been blessed with an amazing Family. I love how much fun we always have together and how close we are. I love the memories we all have shared together and all the good times we have. I am so grateful we are all so dedicated to spending as much time together as we can and that we are all not only family members, but great friends! It's amazing!I could go on and on and about how blessed I feel to live where I do, to have the job that I do (even though my boss is the biggest jerk you'll ever meet) and all the little tender mercies that happen everyday that remind me that God loves me and is aware of me and my feelings and daily activities, but that would probably take up a huge amount of my page and I don't have the time right now to go into all those in depth. I have just really been feeling so blessed and have enjoyed reflecting on all those little things that make life good and that help us to remember that it's the hugs and kisses and love that makes life sweet, not the material things. Counting my blessings has really made me see how amazing and happy my life is. I don't ever remember being this happy. I am in such a good place right now and it feels wonderful. I love this feeling! And I know trials are going to come along and then that feeling might dim, but they will make me stronger and in turn I will add those trials to my list of things I am grateful for; because every trial in my life has led me to feel this happy. Life is good! And ps, I am sorry if this post was boring, this has just been on my mind so much this week that I needed to write it down. And if you are going through a tough time right now or need a pick me up, smile and count your blessings! Honestly, it really helps you see all the things in life you can be happy about:)

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