
big boys don't cry...

i am one proud mom today. our little munchkin, except for his first haircut, has been terrified and screamed and cried bloody murder every time we have taken him to get his haircut. every.single.time. and i take him to Cookie Cutters! the most kid/baby friendly hair salon on the planet. i think he would cry the hardest when they would use the clippers around his ears. poor thing.
that is why i have been dreading today's appointment, so much so, that in our family prayers this morning i specifically asked that Dylie wouldn't be scared and that he would be a happy baby during his haircut. well, today's haircut appointment was proof (not that i need any) that prayers are answered! he didn't cry once! he got a tad bit afraid the first 5 seconds of the clippers clipping his hair, then he must have decided there was nothing to be afraid of because he all of a sudden stopped whining and just sat there and watched Cars. it was a miracle! i was one proud mom! seriously, i was expecting the worst, i even warned the stylist before she started that she should brace herself for the worst haircut she's ever given. i was SO happy i was wrong!

here's a collage of the process. i can't believe how long his hair was. she literally got a full inch off the sides and back. sorry little man. now that i know you won't be terrified, expect regular haircuts from now on. and i just love how happy he was with that balloon. seriously, that was better than any treat or trophy he could've gotten for being so brave. Dylan, you are awesome! i am super proud of you!

on a completely unrelated note (well not entirely, it has to do with hair), i just watched this last night for the first time. i was laughing an entire 5 minutes straight with tears streaming down my face. watch it. then watch it again, and again and again. i swear it will take you from a horrible mood into being purely happy simply for the reason that this didn't happen to you.

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