
road trippin' baby...

the last two weekends we have been on road trips. yes, we are crazy, especially doing it with a baby. the first was Flaming Gorge. what a blast!! but, Dylan had a hard time on the 4 hour drive there. coming home though, he was such a trooper. not a peep from this little guy. he was so good i just had to video him in his half-asleep state. such a sweetie :)

video of our sleepy but happy road-trippin' baby:

the second one was to Island Park to our friend's cabin he just bought. that trip was...interesting. actually, no, it was H. the only good part was being with friends and being in the beautiful mountains. but the 6 hour drive both ways in less than 48 hours was waaaaaaaayyyyyy less than worth it (Dylan was no so cooperative on this time around, i don't know why i thought he would be), not to mention having to drive home in the middle of the night because the cabin was so dusty i literally couldn't breathe. it was definitely one of those experiences that suck at the time, but now that it's over we have a crazy experience that we can look back and laugh at for years to come.

yeah, i don't think we will be road trippin' again anytime soon. twice in two weeks was enough to last me a while.

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