

fear is a funny thing. it can keep us from reaching for our dreams and goals if we let it. But, it can also push us into doing things that we are most afraid of, because the fear of not knowing whether or not we will succeed outweighs our fear of the unknown.

fear drives me to do a lot of things. good or bad. it always has. for a long time, i let fear keep me from pursuing my dream of starting my own business. i let it overtake my want to take a leap of faith. for a long time, fear drove me away from reaching my ultimate goal.

well, a few months ago an amazing opportunity blessing that i am sure wasn't coincidence pretty much fell into my lap, and this opportunity opened doors and made it all possible to start my business. i would go into it, but it would take a while. then more fears sank in. "what if it bombs?" "what if nobody likes my style or what if nobody wants me?" 
well, so far, those fears have been suppressed, or hopefully, have disappeared. thanks to lots of prayers, referrals, blessings and taking chances, my business is not only going better then i ever thought it would at this point, it's going really well. booming, if you will. i have several shoots booked the next few weeks, and i have gotten calls and emails to schedule for later in the season and into the Fall season for a wide variety of sessions. it's AMAZING, and pretty surprising considering i just started this business just a little while ago! i feel so lucky, especially since this business i feel like is super competitive. i know it's not like this for everyone, and it may not always be like this for me (knock on wood) but i am grateful that my leap of faith, at least for now, has taken me places i only hoped i could go. it's so flattering to have people ask me to take their photos, and truly an honor, to be able to do what i do, and absolutely love it. granted, i'm still learning with each shoot, but i feel like i'm really starting to get the hang of this and it's awesome!
i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me, pushed me, and encouraged me, to follow my dream. and most of all, thank you to those who refer me and those who ask me to take their photos. it is more rewarding than i can even describe.


Brittany Moore said...

Hooray Katie! You have such a talent and I'm so glad to hear that you're kicking fear in the butt and going for it!

Ted and Breauna Housel said...

So exciting Katie!!! You do such a great job and you deserve it. Thanks again for our wonderful picture :)