
twenty-twelve resolutions...

resolutions. i have a love slash hate relationship with them. i love that i set out to make new goals for myself each year, but i hate that i usually end up making such massive goals that they never even get thought of after they get written on paper. so, this year, i decided to change it up for myself. i decided to make resolutions that were actually achievable and that i wouldn't just throw aside two days after writing them down. and i must say, so far i have been doing better than i expected. a lot better, actually. like, i am achieving most of them except-for-the-ones-that-start-later-in-the-year better. i think i need to have a little more faith in myself...i wish i wasn't surprised that i have actually been following my own goals. lame. i will work on that. but for now, i will just share with you what i wrote down, since me trying to take a picture of my written resolutions only resulted in the amazing shots above :)

they are as follows:
- exercise 5x a week doing 3 days of Pilates, 2 days Cardio  (i've been rocking this one!!)
- eat healthier and drink more water
- make personal scripture study part of my daily routine
- personal prayers are vital both AM & PM
- give more compliments
- cook dinner each night for my man
- read to Dylan everyday
- be more selfless
- go on an amazing vacation this summer with the Mr. and the little one
- buy a house!!
- get ready every day (this means not just getting out of my pj's, but actually do my hair and makeup)
- keep practicing photography and Photoshop
- date night with the hubs once a week
- go to the temple at least once a month, try to make it twice though
- blog at least 1x per week
- remind myself that i have bought 10 pairs of shoes and boots in the last 2 months and that no matter how cute or cheap any other pair of shoes might be, that is enough.

and there you have it. i really have been doing really well. i am not perfect at them yet, but i will get there. being home all day long, i don't have an excuse.
oh, and please feel free to love the new header on the ol' blog. i am just a tad obsessed with it :)

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