
guess who got her craft on...

this girl! can you believe it?! Brett was sick for like 4 days last week, and i wouldn't let him come near me or Dylan because if you have a baby, you know that having them be sick is pretty much H on earth, so he slept away from me, couldn't kiss me or Dylan, or even touch us. pretty much he couldn't come closer than within a 10 ft radius of me or the babe. it royally sucked. and Saturday happened to be his last day of being the sickness carrier, but since he was still sick with his super nasty viral cold, i decided that it was the day to start getting my craft on since i couldn't do anything with Brett anyways except sit across the room from him. i have been saying that i have wanted to start crafting for a loooong time now, and i finally went, bought my supplies (word to the wise: NEVER go to Hobby Lobby on a Saturday. seriously, it was a complete madhouse) and came home and made a little something i am super proud of. i found it on Pinterest, of course, and it looked super easy, and it was!

behold my first (but not last ) homemade craft: 

what ya think?! not too bad for my first time at it eh? i also made a lace-flower headband which i will show in my next post. if you want the tutorial for this pom-pom necklace...you can find it here yeah i am going to be making one in a few more colors...i just can't get enough of it :) yay for crafting!! 

Dylan is now beckoning me to go get him from his crib so until next time :)

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