
whimsical weekend...

this weekend has been one of the funnest i think we have had in a while. not because our weekends aren't ever fun, but because Brett has had to study sooo much the last 4 or 5 weekends so we haven't gotten a lot of weekends to do a whole lot. so since Brett didn't have to study until tonight (that's where he is right now, it's just me and the babe hangin out), we decided to make this weekend count. and boy did we ever. we had so much fun! i will break it down for you:

Friday- it was a blizzard all day. kill me. i know i live in Utah and i know it's the climate, but that doesn't mean i can't hate it. barf! so i stayed in all day except going out to lunch with my cousin Laurie. that night we went to the institute date night (they have a speaker then a free dinner every other week) with our besties Dan and Steph. after dinner, we went and got some super yummy pastries and some piping hot chocolate from 7-eleven and went back to our place and talked and laughed until we cried until midnight. good times.
Brett thought the night was over. i had another plan in mind. we have sort of been on a wii Mariokart kick. and when i say sort of, i kind of mean obsessed. allow me to explain: we go through this phase with Mariokart where we start playing it and then we want to play it for hours and hours together because it's so much fun, then we play it so much that we get sick of it then do it again the next year. get it? well that night we got on our kick. i had the itch to play it after our friends left, and we ended up playing until 4am. not smart when you have a baby who wants to get up at 7am. but, worth the fun :)

Saturday: Brett didn't have to study at all that day! so we decided to do a day-date. we bought tickets to Breaking Dawn a few days earlier, dropped Dylan off  Laurie's who is so gracious to watch him, and we headed out on our date. we got to the theater at 11:45am (the movie started at 12:30) and there was already a line outside. talk about people being obsessed! they didn't let anyone into the theater until noon because that is when it opened. we froze for those 15 minutes. but, finally we got in and saw our movie. it was perfect, hilarious and stupid all at the same time. not a fan of the sex scenes (Brett and i just look at each other and talk during those) and not a fan of the cheesiness. i won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it, but, i do recommend it. it was my favorite movie of them all so far, the acting is actually somewhat good. and the music is BEAUTIFUL! so yeah, after the movie we went to one of our favorite places in Logan...Firehouse. we are trying to hit up all our favorite places before we move and so we decided to do Firehouse one last time. we are going to miss that place. we have been going there since we were dating so it's kinda sentimental. then that night...you guessed it...more Mariokart until 2am. and Dylan wanted to join in on the late night fun and wake up at 3am and stay up until 7am because he is not having too much fun teething and he has got a reeeeally bad diaper rash. poor little guy. it keeps getting worse. i think it might be a yeast infection. i am going to the pharmacist first thing in the morning and getting meds to nip it in the bud.

Sunday: we finally got Dylan back to sleep at 7am then he woke up at 9 still pretty cranky. he finally fell back asleep around 1:00 and our church is at 1:30, but i was not about to wake him up since it took me forever to get him to sleep, and he was not sleeping deep at all, so we didn't go to church today. Brett and i had our own little lesson so our sweet baby could get some sleep, and so we could too since we didn't get a whole lot either. he slept until 4. hallelujah! then tonight...yep, more Mariokart. 4 hours of it. how we aren't sick of it yet i am not sure. and now Brett is studying, i just got done putting Dylan down for bed and i am watching Friends.

it's been a fabulous weekend. i don't want it to end. but, on the brightside, Dylan and i get Brett all to ourselves after tomorrow thanks to Thanksgiving break. i can't wait.

1 comment:

Bri Jordan said...

Are you talking about Firehouse subs or somewhere else? Cause they have a couple down here, my sister worked at one last year and it is near South Towne Mall. If that's not the place, disregard this comment. :)