
Photography Class...

So, I am not sure if a lot of you out there know this, but in the last year or so, I have really taken an interest in Photography. And not just a little interest...kind of an obsession? Yeah, that word is definitely fits how I feel about it. I just LOVE it. I love taking pictures of anything and everything, and I love the editing and being able to transform pictures in different colors and ways. I took those photo's you see at the top of this blog, our family ones, and I edited them afterwards and I think they turned out pretty good. Not amazing, but good. But anyways, my friend, who just left on his mission in May sold me his DSLR camera for a very, very generous price and I must say it was the best purchase I have made in a long time. I love that thing! I take it with us almost everywhere we go just in case there is something to take a picture of.

Well, I love my camera, but I don't know a whole lot about how to use it to it's full potential. So, one of my best friend's older sisters, Camille Garrison (who is an amazing photographer by the way, see her blog here) has been doing photography classes for a while, and I have been super tempted to sign up for one but have been a little bit...nervous? I don't know, I guess I am just scared of jumping in with both feet and actually learning about photography, my camera and how to take amazing photo's instead of just trying to teach myself. Don't ask me why because I don't know. So I was looking at Camille's photography blog a few weeks ago and saw that she was going to be doing another photography class in the middle of November. I talked to Brett about it, and really decided that this was something that I want to pursue, this is something I want to major in and get my degree in, and eventually want to turn into more than just a hobby and a love, I want to start my own business once I feel that I am good enough. My passion is that strong for it. So, I did it! I signed up. Sounds lame that I am proud of myself for doing that, but I am. It's just scary to go after your dreams sometimes, even if you are taking baby steps to achieve them (hey, that could be an inspirational quote or something :) So November 16th, I am starting my dream. I. can't. wait. It's going to be great. She is printing up amazing books for us that are catered to our types of cameras, and she is going to have models there that we can practice the techniques she shows us on, and she is going to show us how to use Photoshop (well, as much as she can in 7 hours). Once I get good enough, or where I want to be with my photography, I will buy Photoshop. But not yet. That is yet another baby step I will take when I am ready.

So November 12th, come as you may. I am ready for you. And oh so excited :)


Alli Damraur said...

Oh, Katie you would be SO good at that! Your family pictures at the top of the blog already look so professional! good job:)

Jessie Moore said...

SO proud of you Kates!!! That is awesome!!! You will be amazing! :) Love you!!