
three months

This little guy is getting massive! And not just in age, but in size! He is finally getting some fat people! Be amazed. Actually, there is a reason for this...I stopped breast-feeding two weeks ago:( I know, I did that post 3 weeks ago about getting my milk back all the way and all that, but I kid you not, two days after I wrote that, my milk went away again, and I was still pumping constantly and popping my herb pills. So, after 4 days of pumping and getting nothing, we decided to put him on formula (well, we didn't really have a choice). But actually I am completely okay with it. I think I must have had that first experience to be okay, because I knew I had done all that I could to get it back and feed him myself, but it just wasn't there. And that's totally okay. I can't force my body to produce it. And, I got to do it for 2 amazing months, and a lot of mom's don't even get that. So we are good! And, it turns out it is better for him because I think he has probably gained like 3 pounds in the last 3 weeks, and at his two month appointment he had only gained 3 pounds total in his life, so I am thinking formula is the better way for him anyways!

Here is the little tyke:

Don't you just love those little meaty legs?! Oh man, I can't get enough of them, or this kid!! He is just so much fun! He is getting more alert everyday, and growing like a weed! I cannot believe it has been 90 days since I had this little munchkin! Time is a flyin'! Here are the new developments for this month:

-He started laughing!!! Oh my gosh, his little giggle is the sweetest thing my ears have ever heard! He does it mostly when Brett is playing with him (I guess I am not as funny as he is:) but it is adorable! I will post a video we took yesterday soon.

-He has started to say Mama. I know he isn't doing it on purpose, or that he even relates that word to me but I love hearing it:)

-He went through a phase for a few weeks where he wasn't sleeping through the night, but this last week he has gone back to doing it! It's been heaven!

-His hair is getting kinda long at the top of his head. I need to start doing it.

-He LOVES getting kisses on his neck! I've been doing it since he was born, but now he gets the biggest grin, and even laughs sometimes.

-He is still constantly sucking his hands, and if he is holding my finger he will lean his head forward to try and put it in his mouth

-He is talking more than ever! Well, baby talk. He will sit in his crib or on our bed and talk for 20 minutes, whether we are in the room or not. It's way entertaining. He makes new sounds everyday.

-If he is fussy, I will sing to him and he will usually calm down. Love that.

-I put a picture of Jesus in front of him yesterday...and guess what he did? He smiled a huge smile and giggled. I kept taking it away and putting it in front of him and each time, same reaction. He just stared, smiled and laughed. Brought tears to my eyes. How can anyone not believe in Christ? That just strengthened my testimony that He lives.

-Dylan went to his first movie at the theater last night...Harry Potter 7.2. I was super worried about how he would do...he slept the entire time after giggling for the first 10 minutes of the previews. This child is amazing I tell ya!

-He honestly never cries unless he is starving or needs his diaper changed or wants to be held. It's fabulous.

-He likes to watch the TV with us. If it's on and he is laying down, he will cry until we sit him up on our laps so he can see it too.

-He is not a huge fan of his car seat. I think our trip to St. George killed it for him. Most of the time he's ok, but if he's in there for more than an hour or so, he is not a happy camper.

-Baths are still the remedy for easy smiles and giggles for him.

-This kid pees more than anyone I've ever known. We are changing diapers at least once an hour. Wow.

-He still loves snuggling. He will just lay down with Brett and I and doze off as we talk or sleep as well.

-He has gotten on a pretty consistent nap schedule. He wakes up around 7. Then he gets tired around 11 and sleeps for 1-2 hours. Then he gets tired again around 4 or 5 and sleeps an hour or so. Then bedtime for him ranges. Some nights he will get tired around 9:30, others it's around 11:30. Don't know what makes the difference. And he has to eat every hour and a half or else he thinks he is going to die. But it's really nice to have somewhat of a schedule.

-He tries to put everything in his mouth. When I kiss him, he turns his head to try and grab my cheek with his mouth. If I kiss him on the lips, he will open his mouth to try and suck on them. It's adorable.

Okay, I think that's it. We are seriously just loving this little guy! He is really such an angel baby! So happy and fun all the time! We just love taking him places because everyone comments on how cute and alert and happy he is, and how he is a clone of Brett. It's great. Dylan, we love you! You are the most wonderful thing that has happened to us and we could not have asked for a better or sweeter or cuter baby than you!

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