
I Remember...

10 years ago today, when the planes hit the Twin Towers, that I honestly had no idea what the Twin Towers were or why it was such a big deal. I was getting ready for school (the big 8th grade) and was listening to 94.9zht and they said that a plan had hit one of the Twin Towers in NYC. I remember thinking "plane crashes happen all the time..why is this such a big deal?" Well, obviously, after I got to school and after watching it in all of my classes and hearing about the attacks, one after the next, I knew why. Our Country was forever changed that day. And, being 14 years old, I didn't really get how much it would impact my life personally, as well as every Americans' life. Airports change their policies at least once a year, I never get on a plane without thinking "I wonder if this is going to be the last flight I ever take," and I am way more alert when I am in big public cities.

10 years ago today, I was changed as a person. We all were. Our Country will never rewind to what it was on September 10, 2001. We are permanently scarred and we are all a little more careful, especially when we travel in the air.
Today, as the 9/11 memorial ceremonies aired on TV, I sat in horror as they replayed the attacks over and over again. They have never hit me so hard as they did today. I didn't realize how emotional I was about 9/11 until this morning. I sat staring at the TV, tears streaming down my face, as the reality hit me that Fireman, Policeman, Fathers, Brothers, Sons, and Spouses gave their lives so others could live. They ran inside the Towers as they crumbled while everyone else was running out. They took over a Plane so our Nation's Capitol would still stand. There were literally thousands who died trying to save those who couldn't save themselves. It makes me think about how I would have reacted in that same situation if I had been in NYC, or been on Flight 93. Would I have tried to save others? Would I have tried to take over a plane even though I was going to die either way? I hope I would. I hope I would run towards the smoke, not from it. I hope I would face my fears and do what I know is right, and that is to help others, even if it meant my life would be lost.

Today, 10 years later, I am again, a changed person. Freedom has never meant so much to me as it does today. Freedom really does not come free, there is always a price, whether it's death or war or money (and it's usually all three), there is always a price. Watching the attacks and hearing about people's personal stories today about how their spouse, father or brother or sister died that day, I am changed. I didn't lose anybody that day, but they did. Their whole lives were changed because of selfish and evil desires that were carried out at thousands of innocent people's expense. I am changed because of their stories, their losses, their hope, and their ability to move on.
Today has really hit me hard. I will never look at our Country the same. I hope to never take living in America for granted. The tragedy 10 years ago was a tragedy, but it has made our country stronger. We were able to rebuild what we lost and move forward. That is what America is all about. Rebuilding and changing our circumstances for the better. I will be forever grateful for those men and women who fought not only on that day, in whatever way they fought, whether it be by trying to save other American's by flying a plane into a field to their deaths to save countless others, or running into burning buildings to help their fellow citizens get out,  but I am grateful for all those who willingly go and continue to fight so I can be a free American today. To those men and women I want to say Thank You. You will never know how grateful I am and we are to you. 

Thank you.

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