
Two Months...

How did I get here?? How did WE get here? Where has the flipping time gone?! I cannot believe this little angel has been in our lives for 8 full weeks! It's been SOO much fun, and we have realized how extremely blessed we are more and more each day. It's insane how much Dylan brings the spirit into our home, and how much closer Brett and I have grown since having our little munchkin around. It's just fabulous! I just love our little family!

Here are some fun new things Dylan has been up to this month:

-He has discovered his tongue AND his fingers. Both. And mostly they are together. Just this last week 80% of the time I look at him he has one of his hands in his mouth, or both of them. It's adorable. He also loves to just stick his tongue out and lick his lips and feel them.

-He is smiling CONSTANTLY! He is such a happy baby! I just love it! Each time I see him smile my heart literally melts.

-He makes all the cute little baby sounds, and he makes them a lot now. They're the best sounds in the world.

-He knows when he's going to be fed. He'll be crying because he's hungry and once he sees me lift my shirt, the crying stops and he either coos or smiles. It's hilarous. He is one smart kid.

-He is getting the loud crying thing down. Mostly his cries are just whimpers and cute little cries, but he is starting to discover that he has lungs and is wanting to use them more and more. It's super fun for us.

-He has been so gracious to let us sleep 7 or 8 hours each night for the last couple of weeks (pretty consistent give or take a day or two). It's been great! Cross your fingers he keeps it up.

-He is so good at following us around the room with his eyes. He will turn his head from side to side. He knows what's up when we walk across the room or around the bed.

-He is SO good at holding his own head up. It's obviously not quite perfect yet, but he can hold it pretty steady for a good 2 minutes. I shouldn't be shocked since he was already pretty good at holding it up when he was born, but I am.

-He just LOVES to kick his legs and pump his arms. That's nothing new, I know I said that in his 1 month post. But he is doing it more now. When he is excited, he lets you know.

-When he is hungry, there is NO soothing him until he has food.

-I am pretty sure he is starting to know who I am. There have been a few times where other people have been holding him and he will start to get fussy and he will just keep going until he's in a full blown fit, and once I hold him, he calms right down. I am guilty of loving this:)

-He refuses to smile when we pull out a camera or our phones to take a pic. He knows what we are doing, I swear. There have been a few rare times we have gotten it, and he's getting better, but most of the time he will stop being cute as soon as he sees a black thing pointing at his face.

-He is awesome at eating both formula and breastfeeding. He doesn't have a preference which is good. It better stay that way.

-We have a little fish on our hands. He LOVES baths! Last night he was super fussy and we really needed to give him a bath and I wasn't sure I wanted to because he was really onry, but we decided to anyways and right when his little feeties hit the water, not a peep, and all smiles. I know the remedy for fussiness now:)

-He is still super tiny! I don't know what the deal is...oh wait! I just looked at Brett and I understand! Dylan is seriously a clone of his daddy. Looks AND body type AND metabolism. He is a STICK! I feel sad because I have had a few people ask me if I feed the kid, but on the other hand, if anyone saw me every hour of my life at home, you would know this kid eats like a CHAMP! So yes everyone, I do feed my child. I have come to terms with the fast that I am a glorified cow at this point and plan to be for a while.

-He loves music! He will start dancing (the best a two month old can) when he hears it from the tv, video games, or the radio. It's adorable. He will coo and move his arms and legs.

-He always gives me a smile the first thing in the morning. He doesn't cry when he wakes up, he usually just coos or makes grunting noises, and when I go to get him (or if he wakes up next to me), he greets me with a MASSIVE smile. I have to say, in that moment, my whole world is absolutely perfect. It's amazing what his little smiles do for me.

Dylan, you have brought us more happiness than we ever thought was possible. You are growing up so fast and you are like a sponge, you literally learn new things every moment. You are the love of our lives, and we love you more and more as each second passes. Stay adorable:)

I think I got everything. I know these next few months the list will just get bigger as he discovers and learns new things everyday. I am sad that he is already 2 months, but he is already so much fun and he isn't even talking or crawling yet, and I must say that I am excited for that. But, I will miss that he loves to cuddle and I have to carry him everywhere because he can't get there on his own. He is just adorable and I am excited for every stage, but I am just loving the one he is in right now. It's great.

I have lots of posts coming up so stay tuned. I know I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks, it's because we have been on VACAY and it's been Fab! I am writing this from St. George and it's been so wonderful, but I am okay with going home tomorrow because we still have a week and a half left of summer before Brett starts school so it's all good. I better hit the hay, that shopping at the outlets tomorrow won't get done unless I get some z's, and that would be a tragedy. Goodnight.

**sidenote: this post was put together on 6.17.11, Dylan's actual two month mark, but I was coming home from a trip so it didn't get posted until a day later...just for future reference:)

1 comment:

Alli & Richy said...

Can't wait to see this little sweetie tomorrow:) Ps. I've been thinking of going private too....but for now here's my email. al_penny8@hotmail.com. One last thing....I love all your posts, and you:)