
Long Lucious Locks...

Have always been something that I really want. Long, beautiful hair. It has been my secret wish for forever. Sadly, I was not blessed with hair that was thick and that grew like a weed. My sister, sister-in-laws and pretty much every one of my friends has hair that is super thick or super long and gorgeous...and then there's mine: thin and grows an inch a year. LAME!

So, I have been contemplating for a few weeks now what to do with my Birthday money I received from family and friends (since I cannot go shopping until after I am no longer an elephant) and I realized that this dream could actually be in reach! I decided to get on KSL.com and look and see if I could find an amazing deal on Hair Extensions. And, lucky me, I DID! A girl on there, with 10 years of experience, was advertising that she was holding a special for $180 (almost exactly what I had saved) with the hair included. Ummmm, YES PLEASE! I was a tad skeptical since that really is super cheap compared to all the other prices I have seen, but I called her anyways, talked to her for a while and she sounded really legit (and sent me her portfolio of her work to look at), made an appointment for the next day (yesterday) and Voila!

Check out the Before and After Please:) (also, ignore my nasto pregnancy face)

CRAZY HUH!!! I am SO HAPPY with them! It only took her an hour and she had the hair dyed for me already had them dyed to my exact hair color (at no extra charge) which was so nice. They will last up to a year if I take really good care of them and have to go get them tightened every 3 or 4 months.
It's so weird having long hair because I have NEVER had it long before, it's only ever been a little passed my collar bone. I have to say that I am thinking longer looks better, and Brett absolutely LOVES them so it's an even bigger bonus. My dream has finally come true!! I am in love. It's going to take a while to get used to them but they are great. I don't think I will have short hair again for a long while. Happy late Birthday to me:)


Brittany Moore said...

Oh my gosh Katie you look so FAB! I LOVE it! She did a great job! I'm glad you got what you wanted for your birthday. Love you and can't wait to see you!

Haylee said...

You look amazing!! I always want long hair as well...but I get bored and cut it. But you look great:) Can't wait to see pics of the baby:)

Alex and Anna said...

they look awesome! I want some. That is a good price too! congrats on the baby arrival! Welcome to the world little Dylan! hope you guys are doing well and enjoying it!!