
Baby Update...

26 Weeks!!!

I cannot believe how fast this is going! 26 weeks!?! Really?? How is time going so quick? I feel like I just found out I was pregnant, and now I only have 3 months left. Scary yet so exciting!

We just had our 6-month Checkup on Friday and it went fabulous! But this was the appointment where they give you an orange drink to drink before your appointment because somehow it tests for Diabetes and some other diseases. I must say, the little drink wasn't too bad. I was expecting to have to chug something that tasted like Robitussin, but it was actually pretty tasty. Once we got in there, I got my blood drawn and did a urine test (we all love those) it was time to get on the scale. I was quite scared for this moment, because the last time I went to the Doctor they told me I had gained 11 lbs in one single month. Ummm WHAT?! You can imagine my dismay. So this time I got on and closed my eyes, and the Nurse said "Awesome, you have gained one pound this month!" Ummm AMAZING! Turns out not eating fast food 4 times a week really does make a difference:) I was ecstatic! That is a total of 15lbs my entire pregnancy, better than where a lot of girls are at 6 months (according to my doctor). So then it was time to see the Doc, and, our favorite part, listen to the baby's Heart pumpin away! It was SO strong this time. It's amazing hearing it get strong each time we hear it. It is amazing. The Doc said it sounded so great and then she measured my tummy and said it was right on track. We left feeling so fabulous, we went to an amazing Frozen Yogurt place to celebrate and give our baby a treat for being so great!

What is going on at 26 Weeks:

-I am STILL wearing my regular clothes...thank goodness:) I never imagined me being over 6 months pregnant and being able to still wear my jeans and shirts (my secret weapon is my bella-band - especially for my work clothes. That this is a lifesaver:)

-My bump is getting bigger. I must say I like it, because that means baby is getting bigger and growing:) I would have posted a pic with this post but I haven't thought to take one until just now. A pic will come soon.

-I am constantly feeling the little guy squirming around in there. Can I just say how much I love having company with me 24/7?! It's awesome!! He is kickin, punchin and rollin around in there constantly. I am obsessed! Brett has been able to feel it a few times. It's amazing!

-I am starting to see the movements on my tummy, not just feel them inside. I was holding a glass on my stomach earlier tonight and my drink all of a sudden shook around and I almost spilled it. It was so awesome!

-The baby LOVES music & noises. We decided to put some Beach Boys up against my tummy earlier this week and he was rockin out! He moves when Brett talks to him. It's so cool to see and feel him respond to noise and sounds. I love it.

-Still no sickness. Not complaining...kind of bragging:)

-I am starting to get tired early again which is so very annoying. 9:30 and 10 roll around and I am trying so hard to not let my eyelids close. I guess that is what happens when you have someone growing inside of you;)

-I am starting to get into mommy-mode. I have been craving to shop for baby stuff. I spent a lot of the weekend looking at Cribs and Strollers and Carseats online. I am just so excited!! I have bought all of the stuff to make his name for his room (ya know, modge-podging wooden letters with scrapbook paper to make them adorable:) I just need to do it.

-My moods are a roller-coaster some days. I feel so bad for Brett sometimes. I am constantly saying "I am sorry, that was so stupid. I don't know why I am so emotional" and then 5 minutes later something else will either tick me off or hurt my feelings and or get me super happy. It's the weirdest thing. Sorry babe, just a few more months:)

-I am still craving Diet Soda like nobody's business. That is all I want...pop. pop. pop. Mmmmm I cannot get enough.

-Bending over to put on my socks and shoes is now almost impossible.

-My back is starting to kill me in the middle of the night.

All around, I am feeling just Fabulous! I really have had it so easy, and I am SO grateful for that. I am not craving food every 5 seconds which has been a VERY nice break, although that candy bowl at my work has lead me to give into temptation a few more times than I would have liked but oh well. I am allowed a break every now and then:)

Baby, we love you SO SO much! We cannot wait for you to get here so we can play with you and love you:)

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