
Day Two...

"A picture of you last year and now and how you
have changed since then"

A Picture of Me then...

...and now

...and how I've changed since then:

Chopped the hair,
Darkened it and put red in it,
Have eyelash extensions,
Got pregnant and have a belly,
have thicker hair since I have been with child

-Living in the most ghetto apartment in existence then,
living in an amazing townhouse now

-Working for the devil then for pennies,
working at a job that is a dream now

-Eating fast food literally 5 times a week then,
eating it maybe once every other week now

-Waiting for a puppy to come into my life then,
waiting for a baby to come now

-Reading Nicholas Sparks "Dear John" then,
reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" now

-Incredibly happy then,
even happier now:)

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