
22 Weeks

Ta-da!!!!!!! The bump is here and I am SO happy. Don't get me wrong, it's already inconvenient and getting uncomfortable for my back and my pants are falling off, but it's FABULOUS! I love feeling our little guy flipping around in that little bump, so it's going to make it getting bigger and larger super worth it:) And to make things easier, I have one of those Bella-Bands that makes it so you can keep your pants unbuttoned and still wear them until I absolutely can't fit into them anymore. It's the greatest invention! Seriously. And it works so well. It's my new best friend.

What's new at 22 Weeks:

-I am over halfway! NUTS!

-I went to the doctor today and have gained a total of 14lbs in my whole pregnancy so far, which My Dr. says is right on target so that was good to hear! It's kinda depressing seeing my weight be higher than it's ever been in my life, but knowing that it's all for the babe makes it easier to handle.

-Tootsie Rolls have been my latest craving, and it's NOT a good thing! I have a GIANT bowl of them at my desk (since I am the receptionist) and they are so so tempting. I have sworn them off as of today!

-My lower back is really starting to bother me! I wake up and every way I move there is a sharp pain. And it's only going to get worse....fun!

-I am like a camel these days! I know I have said that before, but it's getting worse. I drink at least 4 water-bottles at work everyday and then get home and drink about two more. I am starting to see more swelling and that = water weight!

-I went and bought new garments and I HEART THEM! I have had the same bottoms and tops since I got my endowments taken out almost 2 years ago so getting the brand new bottoms was like a whole new world. SuPeR comfy and big enough for the belly. Nice:)

-I have already started a count-down to when I can stay home and not have to go to work everyday (approximately 100 days)

-I am starting to not be able to breath during the night. My nose is starting to get so clogged I have to get up and blow it a few times, I feel like I have a never-ending cold. And it's only at night while I'm sleeping which makes it even more annoying.

-I have been rubbing a cream called "Tummy Butter" on my tummy and hips every night in hopes of keeping the stretch marks away. I don't know if it will work or not, but a few friends have sworn by it and, if nothing else, it is helping me not worry about getting them. Keep your fingers crossed...

-My face is WAY drier than usual and it's annoying as H! But, I don't think I can blame that on the little bundle. I am going to blame it on the -15 degrees that's been outside the last few days. Yeah, that's probably it.

-I bought another jar of pickles today so we will see how long that lasts...

-Bending over is starting to get difficult

-The Bathtub and I have always had a great relationship. But it's bumped up to BFF's these last couple of weeks. I am in there at least 5 times a week. Not only is it relaxing but nice on the back:) (dont' worry, the water is only warm)

-I am now not getting tired until around midnight, which is SUPER annoying since I don't want to be up that late considering my body hates me if I don't get 8 hours of sleep and I have to get up at 7 for work. Yeah, it's as fun as it sounds.

-The gym and I are going to start getting some bonding time since my doctor told me that to help keep my weight-gain to my goal of only 1lb a week is to walk a few miles a few times a week, along with a great diet which is why I just went and stocked the fridge and pantry full of fruits, veggies and baked chips and pretzels

-Nobody has randomly come up and touched my tummy yet, but I am sure that joyous experience is on it's way as my tummy gets more and more noticeable

-I am getting more crafty these days. On Saturday I was feeling extremely crafty and we headed to the big craft stores here in Logan: Hobby Lobby and Michaels. Both were out of EVERYTHING I needed. I was so bummed I cried (you guessed it, the hormones are still up and down)

-Brett loves to sit and talk into my tummy. It's SO fun and adorable. I love love love it! I also find myself, when I am alone of course, talking to baby. I talk about how excited I am for him to get here, how fat I feel, how I want him to grow big and strong and how much I hate going to work. All sorts of random shenanigans.

I think that's it. It's funny, I always start those lists and don't think there is hardly anything to add, and then I get going and there's a bunch. I just want to be able to remember the things that went on while the bunt was in the oven, it will be fun to look back and read about it.

Ps We also heard the baby's heartbeat today. It really is a sound from Heaven. I tear up every time:)

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