
Sooo Long Sweet Summer....:(

Summer is coming to a close. I am so sad about that fact. Seriously. I do not know why I live in flipping Utah, and I especially do not know why I am up in the coldest part of Utah when I absolutely HATE the cold and snow. It really truly is my worst enemy. I swear on everything I am allowed to that I will one day live somewhere where it is warm ALL year round! That is my dream. I have had it with the gross snow and barf weather for nine months out of the year. Sorry, little venting going on there. Moving on...
So not a whole lot has been going on since we got back from Chicago. We have been trying to get back into the groove of our regular routine of working and not being on sweet vacations.
Brett started school and like everyone else, he was not excited about it. He is taking 16 credits and having to work at least 30 hours a week so it's going to be a tough semester. I am so happy that I am not in school, but I know the clock is ticking to the time that I will have to go back once Brett is done, which is going to be next Summer. So I am loving every precious minute of not being in school and just working everyday. Speaking of working, I am absolutely LOVING my new job. I love the girls I work with, and heart my boss. He is so great. I love the hours, love the pay and do not mind the work one little bit. And, thanks to one of my friends there, we are now paying $50 less each month on car insurance. And, as of October 1st we will be paying $75 less on Health Insurance each month since I am going to be fully covered at my job for free:) Saving money in any way is a blessing so it's been so great. I love coming home everyday and not feeling super stressed and not venting to Brett for an hour each night about how much I hate my job and my boss. I really feel like I am in heaven with this new job and it's amazing. And I am sure Brett loves not having to hear my complaining every night of the work-week:)
Also, today is Labor Day and it was GORGEOUS weather, so Brett and I decided to go on a So-Long-Summer picnic with the pups. It was so nice. We picked up some Subway and some treats and I brought along my newest Nicholas Sparks novel "At First Sight" and started reading it while Brett listened to his book on his MP3 player and the pups just played and chilled. We were there for 4 hours and loved every second of soaking up the sun and just being with each other without the TV and Laptops. We also took some family photos since we don't have any recent ones with Bouncer in them. They turned out super duper cute. See below.
Well, that is about it for now. Not much is new. We have set a new goal and that is to go to the gym. We have not been to the gym, either of us, since a year before we were married! That is 2 1/2 years! Insane!!! I am just lucky and shocked that I am not a massive balloon by now, especially with how we eat. Brett on the other hand, he could eat 20 cheeseburgers a day and still not gain weight so he has nothing to worry about. Brett wants to bulk up and I just want to tone a little bit and get in better shape. I used to love working out, I would do it everyday for an hour and I miss feeling so great and not craving junk food. So hopefully by the time I post next I am in the habit of working out 3 times a week. We are going to get our gym passes this week so we shall see:) So anywho, enjoy the pics and, yes, our pups are as cute as they seem in the pics:)

1 comment:

Jared and Melissa Palmer said...

Super cute pics Katie! You guys are adorable :)