

A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

This is the most recent picture I have of myself where I am by myself, well, sort of. Not the best pic but what can you do:) Okay, now onto the 15 interesting facts:

1. I am actually really excited to go back to school and get my degree. NEVER EVER thought I would feel that way because I have always hated school, but, after just working for a year and a half, I am ready to go back and get educated. I guess that shows I am maturing somewhat:) That will be happening next fall.

2. I am the lightest sleeper ever. Seriously. I wake up literally every time Brett moves or when I hear a creak in the house. It's good and bad at the same time. I love being alert, but I hate being woken up every half hour. Brett on the other hand is the total opposite. He could sleep through a tornado.

3. I have been the same size/weight since I was a Senior in High School. I lost 10 stress lbs. before my wedding but that slowly drifted back. Now I am back to where I was in high school, which doesn't bother me. I just hope it stays that way:)

4. I love picking off my nail polish. I paint my nails, and as soon as one of them gets a little bit of nail-polish scraped off or chipped off, I go at it and tear off all the nail polish on each nail. I can't stop until each nail is naked. It drives Brett insane.

5. I have probably seen every episode of every season of The Hills at least 10 times. Obsessed doesn't touch how much I love that show. Don't judge;)

6. I am starting to get into crafting...something I NEVER thought I would ever do. It's a good hobby and hopefully I will get some cute stuff out of doing it.

7. I have only kissed 2 people in my entire life. I have rejected quite a few people (not to sound weird or anything) because I think kisses should mean something.

8. I have never broken a bone or had stitches or had to go to the emergency room. I am scared for the day when one of those happens.

9. I have implants. Two teeth implants I mean. They are the two teeth that surround my two front teeth. It was hereditary from my sweet mother. It's super annoying because I can't bite into an apple or anything hard straight with my front teeth, and I am always paranoid that they are going to get knocked out or something. But, nobody can tell so its great.

10. My favorite feeling is when I put on a new pair of socks! Ohhhhh man. I am going to go put some on right now.....it's THAT good!

11. The first time Brett kissed me we were watching Pearl Harbor at like 11:30pm and he put me in a headlock while the credits were going at the end (we were playing around) with the Faith Hill song "There You'll Be" playing and he kissed me. Super funny but way romantic. It was perfect. We ended up having a make-out session for a while (haha TMI). And, it was only the second time we had hung out. I had only known him for like 2 weeks. Definitely not my usual way of doing things before I met him, but, it obviously was fun and it obviously paid off:)

12. I am obsessed with singing. I love going on drives by myself, blasting me some Britney Spears or Taylor Swift and belting it out. I also love singing in the shower. I seriously rock out. I love singing anytime, anywhere. Brett always asks me to sing him solo's and maybe someday I will, but for now I am too shy. He has to stick with listening to me belt out "Baby One More Time" in the shower I guess.

13. When I am stressed, the ultimate cure for me is to go shopping and blow some $$. I don't know why that helps take all my cares away, but it does. I don't do it nearly as much now as I did when I was single because I am poor, but the occasional shopping trip is made here and there when my stress gets to be too much.

14. I love big Sunglasses. Brett thinks I look like a bug, but I don't care. I HEART them.

15. I never take off my make-up before i go to bed; not because I am insecure, but because I never have and it's never affected my skin. I am too lazy too to be honest. The only time my make-up comes off is when I shower or when I work-out (I don't even know what that feels like anymore, that is going to change.)

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I used to be a pretty light sleeper when we first got married. It got better, and then I had kids. :)