
The Updates...

Ok. I really don't know why or how I am so horrible at this. I go and look at people's blogs all the time, thinking how adorable they are and how I want to be as creative and cute as all the other bloggers, but for some reason I just really stink at updating my own. THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE! IT HAS TO CHANGE! I will shoot for at least once a month so I can actually reach my goal because I obviously cannot even get close to once a week. Hopefully that goal will change once I reach it and I can get down to once a week. But until then, this is what has been going down:

  • I got a new job ( I am sure most of you all knew that but just in case you didn't) I work at a Chiropractic office in Providence and I love it! My boss is a little quarky but who isn't sometimes;) Brett and I get free adjustments so that is a big plus considering Brett has the worst back in the history of mankind so it is very beneficial for us. It's full-time, close and fun people.

  • Brett is almost done with this semester and is praying twice daily that he will pass stats! I am praying too (NOT) because the faster he gets done with school the faster I get to go back....just kidding I really do want him to finish so he can get out of his personal Hell he calls school

  • We got a sweet little Pup Daisy (Brett surprised me with her for Christmas) and she is a doll. A little slow (okay SUPER SLOW) at learning the potty training stuff but she is getting there. She is super hyper and super cuddly. Two of my faves:)

  • WE MOVED!!!! That is probably the biggest update of all. We are finally out of our ghetto apartment and into a Townhouse! It is amazing I tell ya! I didn't realize how much I took parking right outside my house for granted until we lived up above a bookstore. That was horrible. So it's nice to walk outside and have our car right there...not to mention a washer and dryer (stacked) and a dishwasher. It's HEAVEN! And we got a new couch. My mom got it for us as a belated wedding gift! AMAZING! That is all I can say. Pics to come once everything is in it's place on the walls.

  • Both Brett's and my Grandpa passed away two months of each other. Kind of strange but what can you do. Grandpa Moore was ready and so was Grandpa Hancock and that is all that matters. We love them both and will miss them dearly.

  • I am now 22! I feel so old. I know I can't say that considering that Brett is 5 years older than me but I still feel old. I feel like a little kid playing house. Seriously. And I like it that way. But it's crazy to still feel like a kid when your age keeps getting bigger. Okay anywho... It was an amazing birthday! My birthday is my favorite holiday and Brett didn't disappoint. He is so thoughtful and creative. He got me some clothes and a digital photo frame (loved that gift!) and a custom-made decorative sign for the house (adorable) and decorated the house and took me out for a night of fun. It was great to spend it with my love.

  • SUMMER IS HERE~! I cannot say how happy I am about this! I have been waiting and waiting and waiting and it has finally come. Brett and I have been taking advantage of the warm weather and have gone to park after park on picnics this last week. We have missed our 3-picnic-a-week ritual from last summer and we are glad to start it up again.

Well I think I covered the Big Updates. If I think of anymore I will post them on my next post but that should be good. I am going to keep my promise and try to do this once a week at least. For real this time. No more being lazy! Until next week:)